Lang en.php: Difference between revisions

From Futuragora Wiki
(Created page with "<?php →‎------------------ Language: English ------------------: $lang = array(); $lang['SITE_TITLE'] = 'RBE-POD - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['P...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 22:24, 10 June 2018

<?php /*

Language: English

  • /

$lang = array();

$lang['SITE_TITLE'] = 'RBE-POD - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy';

$lang['PAGE_HOMEPAGE_INFO'] = 'Information'; $lang['PAGE_HOMEPAGE_EDITWIKI'] = 'Edit Wiki'; $lang['PAGE_HOMEPAGE_EDITWIKI_DESC'] = 'Submit changes to texts, translations, technologies or connections related to the planet\'s sustainability.'; $lang['HELLO'] = 'Edit Wiki'; $lang['WELCOME_LOGIN'] = ', now that you logged in you can:'; $lang['WELCOME'] = 'Welcome to RBE-POD'; $lang['NEWS_PROJECTS'] = 'Projects News'; $lang['NEWS_RBEPOD'] = 'RBE-POD News'; $lang['COMMUNITY_STATS'] = 'Statistics'; $lang['TOTAL_RESOURCES'] = 'Resources total:'; $lang['TOTAL_PROJECTS'] = 'Projects total:'; $lang['TOTAL_MEMBERS'] = 'Members total:'; $lang['TOTAL_GUESTS_ONLINE'] = 'Online Guests:'; $lang['TOTAL_MEMBERS_ONLINE'] = 'Online Members:'; $lang['TOTAL_GENDER'] = 'Genders'; $lang['TOTAL_COUNTRY_STATS'] = 'Country Stats'; $lang['TOTAL_ONLINE_WHO'] = 'Who\'s online';

//Page Titles:

$lang['PAGE_TITLE_HOMEPAGE'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_EDIT_PROJECT'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy';

$lang['PAGE_TITLE_FORGOT_PASS'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_GUIDE'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_IRC'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_LINKS'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_MAP_FIND_RESOURCES'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_MESSAGES'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_OPENSOURCE'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_PROFILE'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_PROJECTS'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_REGISTER'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_SPREAD_AWARENESS'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_USERS'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_VIEW_PROJECT'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_WIKI_EN'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_WIKI_PT'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy';

//Admin Categorias $lang['PAGE_TITLE_ADMIN_CATEGORIES'] = '[RBE-POD] Control Panel - Edit Categories'; $lang['PAGE_TITLE_RESTICTED_AREA'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['ADMIN_CAT_ADD'] = 'Add Category'; $lang['CATEGORY_TYPE'] = 'Type:'; $lang['CATEGORY'] = 'Category:'; $lang['RESOURCES_CATEGORIES'] = 'Resource Categories';

//Admin Feedback $lang['PAGE_TITLE_ADMIN_FEEDBACK'] = '[RBE-POD] Control Panel - Feedback'; $lang['ADMIN_FEEDBACK'] = '[RBE-POD] Add Comments';

//Admin Links $lang['PAGE_TITLE_ADMIN_LINKS'] = '[RBE-POD] Control Panel - Links'; $lang['ADMIN_EDIT_LINKS'] = 'Edit Links'; $lang['ADMIN_ADD_LINKS'] = 'Edit Links'; $lang['ADMIN_ADD_LINKS_CREATOR'] = 'Creator:'; $lang['ADMIN_ADD_LINKS_LINK'] = 'Links:'; $lang['ADMIN_ADD_LINKS_URL'] = 'URL:'; $lang['ADMIN_ADD_LINKS_DESC'] = 'Description:';

//Admin News $lang['PAGE_TITLE_ADMIN_NEWS'] = '[RBE-POD] Control Panel - News'; $lang['ADMIN_NEWS_TITLE'] = 'Title:'; $lang['ADMIN_NEWS_CONTENT'] = 'Content:'; $lang['ADMIN_NEWS_NEWS'] = 'News';

//Admin Resources $lang['PAGE_TITLE_ADMIN_RESOURCES'] = '[RBE-POD] Control Panel - Resources'; $lang['ADMIN_RESOURCES_LISTALL'] = 'All Resources';

//Admin Settings $lang['PAGE_TITLE_ADMIN_SETTINGS'] = '[RBE-POD] Control Panel - Settings';

//Admin Users $lang['PAGE_TITLE_ADMIN_USERS'] = '[RBE-POD] Control Panel - Users'; $lang['ADMIN_USERS_ALLUSERS'] = 'All users';

//Profile Change Password $lang['PAGE_TITLE_PROFILE_CHANGE_PASS'] = '[RBE-POD] Profile - Change Password'; $lang['PROFILE_CHANGE_PASS_CHANGE'] = 'Change password'; $lang['PROFILE_CHANGE_PASS_OLDPASS'] = 'Old password:'; $lang['PROFILE_CHANGE_PASS_NEWPASS'] = 'New password:'; $lang['PROFILE_CHANGE_PASS_NEWPASS2'] = 'Confirm password:';

//Confirm Account $lang['PAGE_TITLE_CONFIRM'] = '[RBE-POD] Confirm Account'; $lang['CONFIRM_OK'] = 'Account verified successfully'; $lang['CONFIRM_ALREADY'] = 'The account has already been verified'; $lang['CONFIRM_FAILED'] = 'Account verification failed';

//Profile Edit Links $lang['PAGE_TITLE_EDIT_LINKS'] = '[RBE-POD] Profile - Edit Links'; $lang['PROFILE_EDIT_LINKS_ADD_SUCCESS'] = 'Link added successfully'; $lang['PROFILE_EDIT_LINKS_EDIT_SUCCESS'] = 'Link edited successfully';

//Profile Edit $lang['PAGE_TITLE_EDIT_PROFILE'] = '[RBE-POD] Edit Profile'; // eco $lang['PROFILE_EDIT_LOGFIRST'] = 'You must be logged in to edit your profile.'; // eco $lang['PROFILE_EDIT_SUCCESS'] = 'Profile edited successfully!'; $lang['PROFILE_FOTO'] = 'Profile picture:'; $lang['PROFILE_INFO'] = 'My info:'; $lang['PROFILE_ALL_FIELD_OPTIONAL'] = 'All fields are optional'; $lang['PROFILE_NAME'] = 'Name:'; $lang['PROFILE_SURNAME'] = 'Surname:'; $lang['PROFILE_GENDER'] = 'Gender:'; $lang['PROFILE_COUNTRY'] = 'Country:'; $lang['PROFILE_REGION'] = 'Region:'; $lang['PROFILE_CITY'] = 'City:'; $lang['PROFILE_ZIP'] = 'ZIP/Postal Code:'; $lang['PROFILE_CONTACT_INFO'] = 'Contact Info:'; $lang['PROFILE_EMAIL'] = 'Email:'; // falta msn e afins $lang['PROFILE_LOCATION'] = 'Location:'; $lang['PROFILE_SET_LOCATION'] = 'Click here to set your location'; $lang['PROFILE_PREFS'] = 'Preferences:'; $lang['PROFILE_PREFS_SENDMAIL'] = 'Sen me an email when I receive a new message.'; $lang['PROFILE_PREFS_SHOWMAIL'] = 'Show my email on my profile.'; $lang['PROFILE_ABOUTME'] = 'About me:'; $lang['PROFILE_SKILLS'] = 'My skills:'; $lang['PROFILE_CONTRIB'] = 'What else I\'d like to contribute with:';

//Edit Projects $lang['PAGE_TITLE_EDIT_PROJECT'] = '[RBE-POD] Profile - Edit Projects'; $lang['PROFILE_PROJECT_MENU'] = 'Menu:'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_BACKTOPROJECT'] = 'Back to Project'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_RESOURCES_NEED'] = 'Needed Resources'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_EDIT_NEWS'] = 'Edit Project News'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_EDIT_MEMBERS'] = 'Edit Members';

$lang['EDIT_PROJECT_INFO'] = 'Information:'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_DONATION_NEEDED'] = 'Needed donations:'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_PREFERENCES'] = 'Preferences'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_MEMBERSHIP'] = 'Project Type'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_EDIT_MEMBERS'] = 'Edit Members'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_APLICATION_DISPLAY'] = 'Display Settings';

$lang['EDIT_PROJECT_APLICATION_NOTIFY'] = 'Notifications'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_NAME'] = 'Project name:'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_DESC'] = 'Description:'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_DETAILS'] = 'Details:'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_SPECS'] = 'Specifications';

//editProjectMembers.php $lang['PAGE_TITLE_EDIT_PROJECT_MEMBERS'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECTMEMBERS_MEMBERS'] = 'Project Members';

//editProjectNews.php $lang['PAGE_TITLE_EDIT_PROJECT_NEWS'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy';

$lang['EDIT_PROJECT_NEWS_TILE'] = 'Title:';

$lang['EDIT_PROJECT_CONTENT'] = 'Content:';

//editProjectResources.php $lang['PAGE_TITLE_EDIT_PROJECT_RESOURCES'] = 'Capsule - Transition towards a Resource Based Economy'; $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_RESOURCES_NEEDED_RESOURCES'] = 'Needed Resources'; // marados no echo $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_RESOURCES_NEEDED_RESOURCES_EDIT'] = 'Editar Necessidade de Rercusos'; // $lang['EDIT_PROJECT_RESOURCES_NEEDED_RESOURCES_ADD'] = 'Adicionar Recursos Necessários';



//Resources $lang['PAGE_TITLE_RESOURCES'] = '[RBE-POD] Resources';

$lang['RESOURCES_SEARCH'] = 'Search resources'; $lang['RESOURCES_TYPE'] = 'Type'; $lang['RESOURCES_CATEGORY'] = 'Category'; $lang['RESOURCES_SEARCH_TEXT'] = 'Search by text'; $lang['RESOURCES_COUNTRY'] = 'Country'; $lang['RESOURCES_LOCATION'] = 'Resource location'; $lang['RESOURCES_FOUND'] = 'Resources found';

//Mailer $lang['MAILER WELCOME'] = 'Welcome to RBE-POD';

//Index $lang['WELCOME_MESSAGE'] = 'The objective fo this portal is to provide a knowledge database and resources for a transition towards sustainability in a global scale. Therefore, we present this platform so that we can locate and display resources submitted by its members.
The main compromise is to create easy search functions and a simple interface to display all available resources. We are building a wiki to collect all the information related to the planet\'s state and the available technologies.
Let\'s make this pale blue dot a sustainable planet. Thank you.' ;

$lang['REGISTER_TITLE'] = 'Welcome, embark on the capsule to sustainability. Sign up.

'; $lang['REGISTER_TEXT'] = '

Creating an account on RBE-POD allows you to search and connect with the community that\'s building sustainability on this planet.


  • Add resources to the databases including skills, knowledge and other resources you possess.
  • Search resources in the database.
  • Soon search by area and group by distance.


  • Search people and leave them messages or look up contact info.
  • Locate people in your area.
  • Request resources or change your own.


  • Start a public or private project and gather members to complete it by requesting resources the community has.
  • Create a list of needed resources for the project.
  • The project creators can add public news to the portal so that they can be viewed by the whole community.
  • Check the map with the members\' location.
  • Join public or private projects through a specific form.
  • Soon, invite members for your projects.

Afterwards register in the wiki <a href="http://rbe-pod/pt">RBE-POD Wiki</a> so that you can contribute to the cybernetic system.


// Menus // Main Menu $lang['MENU_HOME'] = 'Home'; $lang['MENU_PROJECTS'] = 'Projects'; $lang['MENU_RESOURCES'] = 'Resources';

// Development Menu $lang['LOGBAR_DEVELOPMENT'] = 'Development'; $lang['DEVMENU_JBOT'] = 'JBot'; $lang['DEVMENU_DATACENTER'] = 'Data Centre'; $lang['FEEDBACK'] = 'Comments'; $lang['DEVMENU_FUTURSCOPE'] = 'Futurscope'; $lang['DEVMENU_ADMINJBOT'] = 'Admin Jbot';

//Admin _menu $lang['ADMIN'] = 'Administration'; $lang['USERS'] = 'Users'; $lang['LINKS'] = 'Links'; $lang['ADMIN_SETTINGS'] = 'Settings'; $lang['ADMIN_NEWS'] = 'Manage News'; $lang['ADMIN_FEEDBACK'] = 'Manage Comments'; $lang['ADMIN_CATEGORIES'] = 'Manage Categories'; $lang['ADMIN_RESOURCES'] = 'Manage Resources'; $lang['ADMIN_USERS'] = 'Manage Users'; $lang['ADMIN_LINKS'] = 'Manage Links';

// User Menu $lang['PROFILE'] = 'Profile'; $lang['JOIN'] = 'Join'; $lang['MESSAGES'] = 'Messages'; $lang['PROFILE_VIEW'] = 'View Profile'; $lang['PROFILE_EDIT'] = 'Edit Profile'; $lang['PROFILE_EDIT_DESC'] = 'Edit your profile so that you can be reached.'; $lang['PROFILE_PASSWD'] = 'Password'; $lang['PROFILE_RESOURCES'] = 'My Resources'; $lang['PROFILE_RESOURCES_DESC'] = 'Add your resources to the databases.'; $lang['PROFILE_PROJECTS'] = 'My Projects'; $lang['PROFILE_PROJECTS_DESC'] = 'Start a project and create the necessary resources so that you find members with the same interests.'; $lang['PROFILE_LINKS'] = 'My Links'; $lang['PROFILE_LINKS_DESC'] = 'Submit links that might help others.'; $lang['PROFILE_LOGOUT'] = 'Logout'; $lang['PROFILE_LOGIN'] = 'Login';

$lang['WIKI_TRANSITION'] = 'Transition'; $lang['WIKI_TECHNOLOGY'] = 'Technology'; $lang['WIKI_RESOURCES'] = 'Global Resources'; $lang['FIND_RESOURCES'] = 'Find Resources'; $lang['FIND_PROJECTS'] = 'Search Projects'; $lang['FIND_LINKS'] = 'Add Links'; $lang['WIKI_TRANSITION_DESC'] = 'Planning for the transition into a healthy and sustainable planet.'; $lang['WIKI_TECHNOLOGY_DESC'] = 'Technologies for the Transition.'; $lang['WIKI_RESOURCES_DESC'] = 'Resources in general.'; $lang['FIND_RESOURCES_DESC'] = 'Find the resources you need.'; $lang['FIND_PROJECTS_DESC'] = 'Discover and participate in projects that spark your interest.'; $lang['FIND_LINKS_DESC'] = 'Search the list of links';
