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Unreal Tournament

Erro: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: cannot load shared object file: No such file or directory

Correr: yum install libXext.i686

Let's assume you have downloaded the dedicated Linux server package to your Desktop. Move this to your 'games' folder...

mv ut_server_436.tar.gz /usr/local/games

Now switch to this directory and extract the archive...

cd /usr/local/games tar -xvzf ut_server_436.tar.gz

This will create a directory called ut-server under /games/ which contains all your UT files. You can delete the .tar.gz archive if you wish as it's no longer needed.

Within the ut-server directory is a System directory. In here is a file called UnrealTournament.ini which needs to be edited to configure the game to how you would like it to run. My .ini file is listed a bit later and you can copy and paste it or edit your own .ini file to your tastes. Note that by default the .ini contains information for playing the game on your computer (i.e. it holds information on the graphics hardware and the like). This can be stripped out of the .ini on a dedicated server which is why my .ini file is missing a lot of the default information.

Once your .ini file has been edited, you can start the game (if running just on a LAN). If running over the internet you need to ensure you open the following ports in your firewall....

Protocol: Port Start: Port End: Port Map: UDP 7777 7781 7777 UDP 27500 27500 27500 UDP 27900 27900 27900 TCP 8080 8080 8080

Once these ports are mapped to the IP address of the machine running your dedicated server, the outside world should be able to connect to it.

To start the server, use the command below from within the ut-server/System dir:

./ucc-bin server CTF-Face?game=BotPack.CTFGame? ini=UnrealTournament.ini log=ut.log -nohomedir &

This will start a Capture The Flag (CTF) game using the BotPack.CTFGame parameters set in UnrealTournament.ini and starting with the Facing Worlds map. To save on typing, you could rename UnrealTournament.ini to something shorter such as ut.ini. An alternative game (such as a DeathMatch) with a mutator and renamed .ini file may begin as:

./ucc-bin server DM-Pressure?game=BotPack.DeathMatchPlus?Mutator=Instagib ini=ut.ini log=ut.log -nohomedir &


To stop the server, use the kill or pkill command (for example pkill ucc-bin) or kill [process ID] if you have obtained the process ID with the ps aux command.


Once nice feature of the dedicated server is the web-based Admin interface. With the server running you should be able to connect to it's web interface using your web browser. Normally this runs over port 80 but in my .ini file it has been changed to 5080, so from my LAN I type: (where is the fixed IP address of my dedicated server). This allows you to change game type, map, bot skill, etc. without having to edit the .ini file or restart the server. You can also kick and ban players from this interface (if you want to get rid of someone troublesome!)


Something else you may want to add is UTPure which checks connecting clients to see if they have cheats. With UTPure installed, hacked clients won't be allowed to join games (each client downloads UTPure the first time they join a UTPure-enabled server). It's not bulletproof but it might stop some annoying teenager with an aimbot from getting on your nerves. To be honest, it's not much of a problem these days as not too many members of the public play this version of the game any more (it tends to be die-hard fans still playing and they're not interested in cheating). To add UTPure to your server, download the latest release candidate (7G) and extract the contents (including the contents of the sub folders into the ut-server/System directory). An example is below (assuming you downloaded UTPure to your Desktop and you are in your Desktop directory)...

cp UTPureRC7G.zip /usr/local/games/ut-server/System cd /usr/local/games/ut-server/System unzip UTPureRC7G.zip cd uz cp * /usr/local/games/ut-server/System cd .. cd system cp * /usr/local/games/ut-server/System cd ..

Two lines then need to be added to UnrealTournament.ini to enable UTPure (see Notes below).

My UnrealTournament.ini files is listed below. IMPORTANT – read the Notes section at the end before copying any of my .ini file!

[URL] Protocol=unreal ProtocolDescription=Unreal Protocol Name=Player Map=Index.unr LocalMap=CityIntro.unr Host= Portal= MapExt=unr SaveExt=usa Port=7777 Class=Botpack.TMale1

[FirstRun] FirstRun=0

[PackageRemap] UnrealShare=UnrealI

[Core.System] PurgeCacheDays=30 SavePath=../Save CachePath=../Cache CacheExt=.uxx Paths=../System/*.u Paths=../Maps/*.unr Paths=../Textures/*.utx Paths=../Sounds/*.uax Paths=../Music/*.umx Suppress=DevLoad Suppress=DevSave Suppress=DevNetTraffic Suppress=DevGarbage Suppress=DevKill Suppress=DevReplace Suppress=DevSound Suppress=DevCompile Suppress=DevBind Suppress=DevBsp

[Engine.GameEngine] CacheSizeMegs=4 UseSound=True ServerActors=IpDrv.UdpBeacon ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerQuery ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=unreal.epicgames.com MasterServerPort=27900

  1. ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master0.gamespy.com MasterServerPort=27900

ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master.mplayer.com MasterServerPort=27900 ServerActors=UWeb.WebServer ServerActors=UTPureRC7G.UTPureSA ServerPackages=SoldierSkins ServerPackages=CommandoSkins ServerPackages=FCommandoSkins ServerPackages=SGirlSkins ServerPackages=BossSkins ServerPackages=Botpack ServerPackages=UTPureRC7G

[Engine.Player] ConfiguredInternetSpeed=2600 ConfiguredLanSpeed=20000

[IpDrv.TcpNetDriver] AllowDownloads=True ConnectionTimeout=15.0 InitialConnectTimeout=150.0 AckTimeout=1.0 KeepAliveTime=0.2 MaxClientRate=20000 SimLatency=0 RelevantTimeout=5.0 SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.0 ServerTravelPause=4.0 NetServerMaxTickRate=20 LanServerMaxTickRate=35 DownloadManagers=IpDrv.HTTPDownload DownloadManagers=Engine.ChannelDownload

[IpDrv.HTTPDownload] RedirectToURL= ProxyServerHost= ProxyServerPort=3128 UseCompression=True

[Engine.DemoRecDriver] DemoSpectatorClass=Botpack.CHSpectator MaxClientRate=25000 ConnectionTimeout=15.0 InitialConnectTimeout=500.0 AckTimeout=1.0 KeepAliveTime=1.0 SimLatency=0 RelevantTimeout=5.0 SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.0 ServerTravelPause=4.0 NetServerMaxTickRate=60 LanServerMaxTickRate=60

[Engine.GameReplicationInfo] ServerName=R3UK UT Server ShortName=R3UKUT MOTDLine1=www.r3uk.com MOTDLine2=Leamington Spa UK MOTDLine3=Dedicated Linux UT Server AdminName= AdminEmail= Region=0

[Engine.GameInfo] bLowGore=False bVeryLowGore=False bNoCheating=True GameSpeed=1.000000 MaxSpectators=1 AdminPassword=setyourpassword MinPlayers=10 MaxPlayers=12 ServerLogName=ut.log bLocalLog=False bWorldLog=False bHumansOnly=False bLowGore=False bVeryLowGore=False bMuteSpectators=False bAllowFOV=False bExternalBatcher=False AutoAim=0.930000 GamePassword= IPPolicies[0]=ACCEPT,* IPPolicies[1]= IPPolicies[2]= bBatchLocal=False DemoBuild=0 DemoHasTuts=0 bNoMonsters=False bCoopWeaponMode=False bClassicDeathMessages=False

[IpDrv.TcpipConnection] SimPacketLoss=0 SimLatency=0

[IpServer.UdpServerQuery] GameName=ut

[IpDrv.UdpBeacon] DoBeacon=True BeaconTime=0.50 BeaconTimeout=5.0 BeaconProduct=ut

[UMenu.UnrealConsole] RootWindow=UMenu.UMenuRootWindow UWindowKey=IK_Esc ShowDesktop=True

[Botpack.ChallengeBotInfo] Difficulty=1

[Botpack.DeathMatchPlus] bExpertMode=True bHardCoreMode=True bUseTranslocator=False bCoopWeaponMode=False MinPlayers=10 AirControl=0.350000 bChangeLevels=True bMegaSpeed=False bAltScoring=False bTournament=False NetWait=17 RestartWait=15 InitialBots=0

[Botpack.CTFGame] bUseTranslocator=True bCoopWeaponMode=True GoalTeamScore=3.000000 bNoTeamChanges=False FriendlyFireScale=1.000000 MaxTeams=2 MaxTeamSize=6 FragLimit=0 TimeLimit=15 bMultiWeaponStay=True bForceRespawn=True MaxCommanders=2 bNoMonsters=False bHumansOnly=False bClassicDeathMessages=False bChangeLevels=True

[Botpack.Domination] bDumbDown=True bUseTranslocator=True bCoopWeaponMode=True GoalTeamScore=100

[Botpack.Assault] bUseTranslocator=True bCoopWeaponMode=True

[Botpack.TeamGamePlus] bBalanceTeams=True GoalTeamScore=30 bPlayersBalanceTeams=True

[BotPack.CTFMapList] Maps[0]=CTF-Face.unr Maps[1]=CTF-EternalCave.unr Maps[2]=CTF-HallOfGiants.unr Maps[3]=CTF-TwinValley.unr Maps[4]=CTF-Outlook.unr Maps[5]=CTF-Slum_Lord.unr Maps[6]= MapNum=4

[UnrealShare.UnrealGameOptionsMenu] bCanModifyGore=True

[UTMenu.UTMultiplayerMenu] OnlineServices[0]=LOCALIZE,MPlayer OnlineServices[1]=LOCALIZE,Heat OnlineServices[2]=LOCALIZE,WON

[UWeb.WebServer] Applications[0]=UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin ApplicationPaths[0]=/ServerAdmin Applications[1]=UTServerAdmin.UTImageServer ApplicationPaths[1]=/images DefaultApplication=0 bEnabled=True ListenPort=5080

[UBrowser.UBrowserHTTPClient] ProxyServerAddress= ProxyServerPort=

[UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin] AdminUsername=admin AdminPassword=setyourpassword

[IpServer.UdpServerUplink] DoUplink=True UpdateMinutes=1 MasterServerAddress= MasterServerPort=27900 Region=0

[UTMenu.UTServerSetupPage] bLanPlay=False bDedicated=True

[UTMenu.UTStartGameCW] Map=CTF-Face.unr GameType=BotPack.CTFGame MutatorList= bKeepMutators=False

[UTPureRC7G.UTPure] bUTPureEnabled=True Advertise=1 AdvertiseMsg=1 bAllowCenterView=False CenterViewDelay=1.000000 bAllowBehindView=False TrackFOV=2 bAllowMultiWeapon=False bFastTeams=True bUseClickboard=True MinClientRate=1000 bAdvancedTeamSay=True bHitSounds=False bTeamHitSounds=False ForceSettingsLevel=2 bNoLockdown=True bWarmup=False bCoaches=False bAutoPause=False ImprovedHUD=1 bDelayedPickupSpawn=False bTellSpectators=False bNoWeaponThrow=False bForceDemo=False PlayerPacks[0]= PlayerPacks[1]=

Notes on the above: To enable UTPure after you have put the UTPure files in place, edit the [Engine.GameEngine] section with the following lines:

ServerActors=UTPureRC7G.UTPureSA ServerPackages=UTPureRC7G

The [UTPureRC7G.UTPure] section is then added automatically the first time a server is started with UTPure enabled. The second time the server is started, UTPure should be active. This means you don't need to paste the [UTPureRC7G.UTPure] section above into your .ini file.

Under [Engine.GameEngine], notice the following line has been commented out (#) so that it doesn't run:

  1. ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master0.gamespy.com MasterServerPort=27900

This is because when my server was running, there was a constant stream of traffic between it and the internet which we found was some communication with gamespy. To kill this traffic, the above line needs to be disabled or removed.

[Core.System] details the directories where maps, textures and sounds are stored. To add extras to your server (such as more maps), copy them to the appropriate directory (e.g. /usr/local/games/ut-server/Maps). To use directories other than the defaults, change the paths listed under [core.system].

[Engine.GameReplicationInfo] contains the information you may want to list in the Message Of The Day lines (which shows up when a client joins one of your games).

[UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin] holds the admin password for the web server interface.

The amount of players and whether bots or humans only are allowed is set in [Engine.GameInfo].

To advertise your server to the outside world, set DoBeacon=True in the [IpDrv.UdpBeacon] section. Also, under [IpServer.UdpServerUplink] set DoUplink=True . Remember though, not many people are playing this any more and those that do probably run their own servers so it won't be like the good 'ol days when people dropped in for a frag at any time of the day!

Set the various 'BotPack' sections so that each type of game plays as you want it. If you want certain maps to rotate in a particular type of game, set the map list accordingly (such as with my [BotPack.CTFMapList] section). You can create, for example, a [BotPack.DeathMatchPlusMapList] section if you were planning on running a DeathMatch server. Don't forget though all this can be set up with the point & click web interface once the server is running.

[Uweb.Webserver] contains the ListenPort line which allows you to define the port your webserver is running on (80 by default).

Happy fragging!

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UT Pure RC5x UTPureRC5x - Most 5w problems fixed (if not all) I'm going to make it short since i lack free time.

Just a note to Mac users, you will probably have to install it on your system prior to connecting to any server. This is probably cause by a bug in the download code or cache code of WestLake.

This version has been tested almost publicly and the reports were very positive.

get it from one of these 2 locations:





Quick fix for the annoying can't press fire or can't pick up weapons or can't do this do that whatever annoying bug. Sorry about that.

How to set UTPure

add the following lines to [Engine.GameEngine] section of your server ini file: serveractors=UTPureRC5x.UTPureSA serverpackages=UTPureRC5x

What can be configured

here are the values you can find in UTPureRC5x.int

TrackFOV // Track the FOV cheats [0 = no, 1 = strict, 2 = loose] Advertise // Adds [CSHP] to the Server Name [0 = no, 1 = left, 2 = right] AdvertiseMsg // What version to advertise [0 = [CSHP], Not 0 = [PURE] ] SecurityLevel // Level of Security [0 = Nothing, 1 = Kick, 2 = Ban] (Not fully Implemented) bFastTeams // Allow quick teams changes [True or False] bNGStatsOnly // Only allow NGStats Players [True or False] (not done yet) bNGStatsHack // Bypass ngStats (to not be listed under MOD because of UTPure) [True or False] bAllowCenterview // Allows / Disallow usage of CenterView for keyboard/joystick users [True of False] bAllowMultiWeapon // Allows / Disallow usage of the Multi-Weapon exploit [True or False] CenterViewDelay // If Allowed to use Centerview, delay between 2 uses of it [Time in seconds] bUseClickboard // Enables/Disables usage of ClickBoard Technology (TM) in Tournament mode. [True or False] MinClientRate // Sets the minimum netspeed the client is allowed to use [Default = 1000] bAdvancedTeamSay // Enable this to allow players to give detailed info about their situation. [True or False] MaxClientPosError // Sets the Maximum positioning Error the Client May have. [Default = 100.0, Min 3.0] // if you wish to disable this function, set it to 3, which is EPIC's original Value.

HINT: If your server is not listed in MOD section and you wanna keep that status, just set bNGStatsHack to true

NOTE: You can keep the [CSHP] form of advertisement for 2 reasons: 1) Keep your well defended ngStats position 2) Make it harder on cheaters to know what is on your server.



use this


with the command "mutate smartctf stats" you can switch between the normal and the smartctf scoreboard... if you wanna change the scoreboard during a match its handy to bind that command to a key...

Unreal Admin Commands

Unreal Tournament Admin Commands Type these in your console (tab or accent grave/tilde)

The commands are case insensitive, which means lower case commands have exactly the same effect as upper case commands. Some commands do NOT work with eachother, e.g. Set Capture Limit with Gametype Domination.

This page is not maintained often and is considered deprecated since the introduction of admin tools. The reader may perceive a lack of structure. Please report errors to the webmaster: {GkC}-Rex

Version: 1.91, Last modified: 03-11-2005, © {GkC}-Rex of GoD killers Clan, #GkC @ irc.quakenet.org. If you encounter a copy of this page, visit http://www.rex.ht.st for the latest copy. Admin Commands Click to move to: [ Gametypes ] === [ Mutators ] === [ Common examples ] === [ Maps ] === [ UTCV Vote Mutator ]

Logging in and out Log in as administrator adminlogin <login> Log out adminlogout

Adding and removing actors Note: The following commands may work without the admin prefix. This does not hold for rebooting the server ;) Add bots admin addbots <number> Spawn actor admin summon <class name> Remove all monsters admin killpawns Remove all bots admin killall Bot Remove redeemer admin killall WarheadLauncher Remove damage amplifier admin killall UDamage Remove shield belt admin killall ut_ShieldBelt Remove invisibility admin killall ut_Invisibility Remove armor admin killall Armor2 Remove thigh pads admin killall ThighPads Remove jumpboots admin killall ut_Jumpboots Kick player admin kick <player name> Kickban player admin kickban <player name>

Server control Reboot the server admin quit or admin exit Toggle game pause admin pause or press the pause button Switch map admin switchlevel <map name> Change gametype admin servertravel <map name>?Game=<gametype> Change mutator admin servertravel <map name>?Mutator=<mutator> Change both admin servertravel <map name>?Game=<gametype>?Mutator=<mutator>

	Note: There is no space between the map name and the question mark, and between the gametype and its corresponding question mark!

Restart level admin servertravel ?restart

Game control Note: To retrieve the current value, replace "set" with "get" and remove any trailing parameters. A servertravel is required for changes to take effect with commands containing a <gametype>. Set game password admin set Engine.GameInfo GamePassword <password> Reset game password admin set Engine.GameInfo GamePassword Set time limit admin set <gametype> TimeLimit <number> Set capture limit admin set <gametype> GoalTeamScore <number> Set frag limit admin set <gametype> FragLimit <number> Set minimum players admin set <gametype> MinPlayers <number> Add bots up to minimum players (servertravel!) admin set UnrealGame.UnrealMPGameInfo MinPlayers <number> Set maximum players admin set Engine.GameInfo MaxPlayers <number> Set maximum spectators admin set Engine.GameInfo MaxSpectators <number> Set maximum team size admin set <gametype> MaxTeamSize <number> Set air control admin set <gametype> AirControl <number> Set game speed admin set Engine.GameInfo GameSpeed <number> Toggle mute spectators admin set Engine.GameInfo bMuteSpectators <True/False> Toggle force respawn admin set <gametype> bForceRespawn <True/False> Toggle tournament mode admin set <gametype> bTournament <True/False> Set bot strength admin set Botpack.ChallengeBotInfo Difficulty <0-7> Toggle translocator admin set <gametype> bUseTranslocator <True/False> Toggle weaponstay admin set <gametype> bMultiWeaponStay <True/False> Set friendly fire scale admin set <gametype> FriendlyFireScale <0-100> Toggle cheats admin set Engine.GameInfo bNoCheating <True/False> Add teams (TDM, DOM) admin set <gametype> MaxTeams <number> Toggle webadmin admin set UWeb.WebServer bEnabled <True/False> Toggle team balancing admin set <gametype> bPlayersBalanceTeams <True/False> Full screen message say #<message>

Server appearance Set server name admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo ServerName <name> Set server short name admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo ShortName <name> Set server MOTD admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo MOTDLine1 <sentence> Set server MOTD admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo MOTDLine2 <sentence> Set server MOTD admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo MOTDLine3 <sentence> Set server MOTD admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo MOTDLine4 <sentence> Set admin name admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo AdminName <name> Set admin email admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo AdminEmail <email> Set tickrate admin set IPDrv.TCPNetDriver NetServerMaxTickrate <number>

	Note: Consult with your game server provider to inquire whether you are allowed to change these values.

UTPure related Disable UTPure mutate DisablePure Enable UTPure mutate EnablePure Toggle NoLockdown (UTPure) admin set UTPure bNoLockdown <True/False> Enable hitsounds (UTPure) mutate EnableHitSounds Disable hitsounds (UTPure) mutate DisableHitSounds

No admin required Change nickname setname <name> Disconnect disconnect Reconnect reconnect Quit quit or exit Take a screenshot shot Connect to a server open <server address>[:server port] Toggle framerate counter timedemo <1/0> Set netspeed netspeed <value> Set field of view fov <value> Open vote menu (BDB) mutate BDBMapvote Votemenu Show tickrate (UTPure) ShowTickrate Switch team (UTPure) NextTeam Show cheat info (UTPure) CheatInfo Gametypes Click to move to: [ Commands ] === [ Mutators ] === [ Common examples ] === [ Maps ] === [ UTCV Vote Mutator ]

Capture The Flag (CTF) Botpack.CTFGame DeathMatch (DM) Botpack.DeathMatchPlus Team DeathMatch (TDM) Botpack.TeamGamePlus Last Man Standing (LMS) Botpack.LastManStanding Domination (DOM) Botpack.Domination Assault (AS) Botpack.Assault Mutators (multiple mutators are separated with a comma [,] ) Click to move to: [ Commands ] === [ Gametypes ] === [ Common examples ] === [ Maps ] === [ UTCV Vote Mutator ]

Standard No Redeemer Botpack.NoRedeemer No PowerUps Botpack.NoPowerups InstaGib Botpack.InstaGibDM Instant Rockets Botpack.InstantRockets Jump Match Botpack.JumpMatch Low Gravity Botpack.LowGrav Pulse Arena Botpack.PulseArena Rocket Arena Botpack.RocketArena Shock Arena Botpack.ShockArena Sniper Arena Botpack.SniperArena Stealth Botpack.Stealth

Relics (use as a mutator) The Relic of Regeneration Relics.RelicRegen The Relic of Defense Relics.RelicDefense The Relic of Speed Relics.RelicSpeed The Relic of Strength Relics.RelicStrength The Relic of Redemption Relics.RelicRedemption The Relic of Death Relics.RelicDeath

Other Tickrate Integrated Weapons CB12.CB12

Tremor UT (base mutator) Tremor.T_Mutator

	Note: This is the base mutator enabling Tremor weapons.

Tremor Rocket Launcher Arena Tremor.T_RocketLauncherArenaMutator

	Note: Include base mutator: Tremor.T_Mutator,Tremor.T_RocketLauncherArenaMutator

Tremor Instagib Tremor.T_InstaGibMutator

	Note: Unknown whether base mutator must be included.

Tremor Battle Arena Tremor.T_BattleArenaMutator

	Note: Unknown whether base mutator must be included.

Common examples Click to move to: [ Commands ] === [ Gametypes ] === [ Mutators ] === [ Maps ] === [ UTCV Vote Mutator ]

CTF Insta Coret admin servertravel CTF-Coret.unr?Game=Botpack.CTFGame?Mutator=Botpack.InstaGibDM CTF Normal Coret (no powerups, no redeemer) admin servertravel CTF-Coret.unr?Game=Botpack.CTFGame?Mutator=Botpack.NoRedeemer,Botpack.NoPowerups Maps Click to move to: [ Commands ] === [ Gametypes ] === [ Mutators ] === [ Common examples ] === [ UTCV Vote Mutator ]

Standard Eternal Caves CTF-Eternalcave.unr Coret Facility CTF-Coret.unr Dreary Outpost CTF-Dreary.unr The Last Command CTF-Command.unr Facing Worlds CTF-Face.unr The Iron Gauntlet CTF-Gauntlet.unr LavaGiant CTF-Lavagiant.unr Niven Experimental Lab CTF-Niven.unr November Sub Pen CTF-November.unr

Other Tombs of the Aztec CTF-Aztec.unr Temple of Beatitude CTF-Beatitude.unr Cybrosis][ CTF-Cybrosis][.unr Darji Outpost #16-A CTF-Darji16.unr EpicBoy CTF-Epicboy.unr Facing Worlds Special Edition CTF-Face-SE.unr Hydro Bases CTF-Hydro16.unr Noxion Base CTF-Noxion16.unr Ratchet CTF-Ratchet.unr Scandinavium CTF-Scandinavium.unr UTCV Vote Mutator Click to move to: [ Commands ] === [ Gametypes ] === [ Mutators ] === [ Common examples ] === [ Maps ]

General Help screen mutate help Show votable options mutate show info List of players and their status mutate show players The current maplist for voting mutate show maps The current modelist for voting mutate show modes Current vote info mutate show vote Vote Yes mutate voteyes Vote No mutate voteno Set up a vote mutate vote <option> <value> Cancel your vote mutate votecancel Change the map mutate vote map <mapid> Change the gamemode mutate vote mode <gamemodeid> Restart the current map mutate vote restart Change fraglimit mutate vote fl <value> Change timelimit mutate vote tl <value> Change max player count mutate vote mp <value> Change friendly fire scale mutate vote ff <value> Toggle weapon stay mutate vote ws <value> (true/false) Toggle tournament mode mutate vote tm <value> (true/false) Kick a player (incl. spectators) mutate vote kick <playerid>

Ini Original



[ASC] ATH Server Controller FOR : UT 436-440-458 Windows/Linux >DEDICATED< Servers Version 7.58 - June, 2006 By Mickaël DEHEZ, & Cedric MEGNAT Editing & Support by MSuLL WebSite: http://asc.atomicunreal.com/

What is ASC? :


+ ASC is an Add-On/ServerActor for UT servers, featuring client tools, admin tools, and advanced mod tools for matches. + It was made for a UT CTF Server, but it is now compatible with all gametypes and mutators. + See features part for more information, but you can just install it and look at all functions in with the ASC window.

UT Pure / EUT Issues? :


The ASC 758 has been and verified to be problem-free with UTPure RC7G and EUT 1G It has also been tested with previous versions of UTPure and CSHP

Known Issues :


ASC's Separated Death Messages feature does not work properly with EUT if the setting bEnhancedDeathMessages is set to True. This is due to EUT attempting to override the default delivery of death messages. If EUT is detected by ASC, and you have set bSeparateDeathMessages to True, it will automatically disable the bEnhancedDeathMessages option for you. Note that this will eliminate EUT's ability to have customized killing messages.

ATH Server Controller User Guide :


A user guide has been packaged with this file. It is suggested that you tell your clan members, semi-admins, etc etc to read it. It will help them in finding settings and performing actions.

Alternatively, you can also simply tell them to view it on the web at: http://asc.atomicunreal.com/tutorial



- Shut down the server - Modify your unrealtournament.ini/server.ini:


[Engine.GameEngine] ...... ServerActors=asc758.asc_server ServerPackages=asc758 ServerPackages=asc7cc

NOTE : You have to put ASC Server Actor ( ServerActors=asc758.asc_server ) at the >BOTTOM< OF THE LIST!

- Open asc7.ini and put in PasswordLvl passwords for all levels from 2-7 (leave 0 and 1 blank) - Upload: asc7.ini, asc758.u, asc7cc.u to the /system directory - Start the server (if you are not upgrading. If you are upgrading from an older version, read below)



+ The server will generate an ID for you in "asc7id.ini" e.g. : [asc7XX.asc_login] ups=0XXXXXXX48 This is your own server ID, all clients will recognize your server with this ID. Please save it, make a backup of your "asc7id.ini" file. You will need this ID for any upgrades. If you are running more than one server, copy the same asc7id.ini on all servers running ASC you have, (Clients will be able to use the same level password for all your servers).

+ If you are updating ASC, edit asc7id.ini in order to keep your id (ups). example : change [asc754.asc_login] to [asc758.asc_login]

+ If you are updating ASC, edit asc7banlist.ini in order to keep your current bans. example : change [asc754.asc_banlist] to [asc758.asc_banlist]

+ Sometimes the ASC-booter doesn't boot the server (an EPIC code problem), with the option "force mutate", ASC will check if mutators are enabled, if not it will consider that your server has crashed, and it will reboot. You must have at least one mutator working in "StartingMutators" to run this option. Make sure your server doesn't load any mutators by default. (any localmap= setting or any actorCLP will have to be deleted)



- Open the asc7.ini file - Now look for these values:

bAlternateServer=False AlternateIP= AlternateButton=Play AlternateMessage[0]=We are sorry, but server is currently full. AlternateMessage[1]=However, you may still spectate on this server. AlternateMessage[2]=If you wish to play right now, please press "Play", AlternateMessage[3]=and you will be taken to the alternate server immediately. AlternatePassword[0]=We are sorry, but the server is currently passworded for a clan match, or other private use. AlternatePassword[1]=If you are supposed to play in this event, enter your password.

- These values control a feature that allows you to redirect your players to another server if the server is full or passworded. - This is mainly useful if you have multiple servers, and when the main one is full, you really want to take everyone to an alternate server. - To use this feature, you must change "bAlternateServer=False" to "bAlternateServer=True" - The AlternateIP field is the place where you want your players to go. You can use an IP or host name, with a port number or password, if you wish. - Example usages: AlternateIP= (server on, port 7777) AlternateIP= (server on, port 7700) AlternateIP= (server on, port 7777, UT game password is "test")

- The "AlternateButton=" is the text that will be on the button that a player clicks to play on the alternate server. Make it whatever you want. - The "AlternateMessage[x]=" fields make up the message your players will see if the server is full. You have 4 lines, use them well. - The "AlternatePassword[x]=" fields make up the message your players will see if the server is passworded. You have 2 lines, use them well. - The last 2 options, "AlternateMessage" and "AlternatePassword" are already configured with examples. In most cases, these can be left as they currently are.



There are a LOT of options, however if I can take the time to write them all and explain them, surely you can take the time to read them over :)

Most of these options can be configured in-game from the GUI, and it's highly encouraged that you do configuration from there!

SuperLvl - This indicates the minimum level required to give level to others

bAlternateServer - Use alternate server redirection? (see above for setup)

AlternateIP - Alternate server's IP address

AlternateButton - Button text for the alternate server

AlternateMessage[0-3] - Message to give clients if alternate server is enabled, and server is full (can use up to 4 lines)

AlternatePassword[0-1] - Message to give clients if alternate server is enabled, and server is passworded (can use up to 4 lines)

Lvl1Limit - How many PUBLIC playing slots for the server

Lvl3Limit - How many PRIVATE slots to for the server (for level 3 - level 7, level 2 slots is the difference between Lvl1Limit and Lvl3Limit)

PasswordLvl[0-7] - Here is where you enter the KEYS, or passwords for the different levels. NOTE : Passwords do not have to be easy (put anything) because you can directly make someone the proper level from in-game. Both Levels 0 and 1 don't require passwords.

ShowLevelJoin - Shows a client's level when they enter the server. False looks like: "TonyMan entered", true looks like: "[3] TonyMan entered" NOTE : If set to FALSE, it's harder to see a player's level when they enter the server, which makes for easier semi-admin aliasing.

bASCboot - Use ASC boot functions? (This can be setup later from IN-GAME (on the SERVER tab), and it is advised you wait until then)

GameType - Default GameType to boot to (This can be setup later from IN-GAME (on the SERVER tab), and it is advised you wait until then)

MutatorsList - Default mutators to boot with (This can be setup later from IN-GAME (on the SERVER tab), and it is advised you wait until then)

bForceMutate - Force that the server always run with at least one mutator? (can prevent a major crash, but you must use at least 1 mutator!)

bAutoFixCrash - Reboots the server if something seems wrong (for instance the GameType doesn't match the map prefix) NOTE : This option MUST be disabled if you run the JailBreak gametype! If you have issues with the server constantly restarting when running custom gametypes, set this False!

LastMap - Last map the server executed; the server sets this, do nothing with it

RespawnPTime - The amount of time in seconds a player is protected after they spawn (setting to 0 disables Respawn Protection)

bRespawnerCanDamage - Can a respawing player damage non-respawning players while protected?

bExpireOnPickup - If enabled, this will expire respawn protection early if the player picks up a weapon or special item

bTeamKillP - TeamKill protection?

bFragP - Use Frag Recovery? NOTE : Frag recovery saves a players frag count so if they leave or lag out, they still can recover it if they reconnect during the map. Due to the amount of data this requires sending, it may cause some lag. Disable it if lag becomes an issue!

bTeamBalance - Allow for players to send team balance requests to the server? (the !team command)

bBlockBadSwitches - Attempt to detect and prevent teamswitches that will make teams uneven during team games

AutoBalance - Check for uneven teams automatically every x seconds NOTE : 0=Disabled

PTag - Tag to protect (can be a clan tag, such as 'EoA' - kicks all wearers of the tag that aren't level 2 or higher

MessageLine[0-3] - Message of the day lines which popup in a window that a player must confirm NOTE : This window doesn't popup every match. It will ONLY come up if the MOTD has changed since they last saw it!

upk - A server set MOTD timestamp; don't mess with it!

HUDRules[0-9] - 10 lines of text for displaying on a player's HUD at the start of a match

RuleSecs - Amount of time to show the rules on a client's HUD NOTE : Set this to '0' to disable the HUD Rules Display System

s_password - Server's ASC password; leave empty to disable

s_passcount - Number of maps to leave the password enabled

ballowspec - Require spectators to have the password as well? (if a password has been set)

bSpecPassword - Reserves the last spectator slot if the server is totally full (so admin can enter if needed)

SpecPassword - The password to use if bSpecPassword is enabled

s_MaxPlayers - The maximum player count for the server (if you are a hosted server make sure it is equal to the number of slots you ordered!)

bautopause - Automatically pause a match if a player leaves? (only works in Tournament mode!)

bAllowBanned - A server set option which controls if banned players can enter the server; don't mess with it! (resets to False at beginning of every match)

bIsStarted - Is the server started right now? Used to detect a crash; don't mess with it!

MatchName[0-3] - Preset match names NOTE : This should be configured from in-game as root user (lvl 7) from the 'Match Set' tab

MatchConfig[0-3] - Preset match settings NOTE : This should be configured from in-game as root user (lvl 7) from the 'Match Set' tab

KickTime - Amount of time a player has before he is kicked by KickIdlePlayers for being idle while playing

bKickIdlers - Enable the built-in advanced KickIdlePlayers modification?

NoKickIdleLevel - Protects players above the specified level from being kicked by KickIdlers

bOnlyKickWhenFull - Will prevent the KickIdlePlayers modification from kicking players unless the server is full

bAnti-Lag - Enable the built-in Anti-Lag system?

maxPacketLoss - amount of packetloss a player can have before being kicked

maxPing - the greatest ping a player can have before being kicked

bAllowPM - Allow the use of advanced Private Messaging features?

WindowPMLvL - Level that is allowed to send Windowed PMs (must be level 3 or higher) NOTE : A windowed PM will INTERRUPT a player as they play (which most players won't like very much)! For instance, if you wish to have this feature be exclusive to Administrators, enter 6.

SpamSecs - Amount of time to mute a player that abuses the in-game chat system NOTE : 0=Disabled

bAllowEndQuote - Allow clients to use the end of the match quote features?

DMDefaultSkin - This little setting will force all players to the 'default' of their skin (meaning no team colors) skins NOTE : Players like this feature because it keeps them from standing out if using a very colorful skin. This feature will ONLY be active during a Death Match game.

DMDefaultBots - This setting will force BOTS to the 'default' of their skin (meaning no team colors) skins NOTE : DMDefaultSkin must be set to True for this setting to have any effect.

DMClass - Class in which to use the DMDefaultSkin feature NOTE : The default should be fine for most people, but this must be changed if using a non-standard DM gametype (such as EUT)! If you are using EUT and wish to use the DMDefaultSkin feature, this setting MUST be changed!

Advertise - Add the tag [ASC] into the server's name? (example: [ASC] Carl's InstaGib Mayhem!) NOTE : 1=Before server name; 2=After server name; 0=Disabled

bRemoteAccess - Allow admin messaging specators to use 'mutate asc' commands for adding / removing bans? NOTE : This system will be useful only to those running SuperWebAdmin or another type of advanced remote admin system

bUseLogging - Log actions by players (bans, unbans, kicks, mutes, map changes, etc) to an external log file? NOTE : If you wish to use this feature, you may want o read the section called "ASC LOGGING", found at the end of this file.

bCheckForUpdates - Check the internet for updates to the ASC? NOTE : If enabled, and there are updates availible, any player that is level 7 will receieve a message. This message will tell the user to say !update, which will give the player more info about the updates. ONLY level 7 may issue the !update command. Level 6 or below will be ignored.

LastUpdate - On what day did the last update check occur? This is setting by the server, don't change / mess with it!

UpdateServer - The domain name for updates; don't change this if you want updates to work!

UpdateURL - The URL to the updates; don't change this if you want updates to work!

BanServer1 - Use BanServer1?

BanServer1 - Use BanServer2?

BanServer1 - Use BanServer3?

BanDomain1 - The domain for BanServer1

BanDomain2 - The domain for BanServer2

BanDomain3 - The domain for BanServer3

BanURL1 - The URL for BanServer1

BanURL2 - The URL for BanServer2

BanURL3 - The URL for BanServer3

bUseUTDC - Is your server using UTDCv17 or above? If so, set True NOTE : If set as true, the ASC allows for level 7 clients to SILENTLY take UTDC Shots If you don't want level 7 users to be able to do this, keep this setting disabled!

bUseAKA - Are you using the AKAv6kLog_X that comes with ASC? If so, set true (files are included in the rest of the ASC installation files)

bDisableHUDMessages - Disable the ASC HUD's text messages that appear below the ChatBox? (they will still appear inside the chatbox if set True) NOTE : The ASC comes with an ASC HUD which displays very important information below the ChatBox. This text can be disabled via this option.

bDisableHUDSpecMessages - Spectator's chatting will appear both in the ChatBox, but then below on the ASC HUD as well (makes it much easier to see) NOTE : This feature is automatically turned off if bDisableHUDMessages is set to True!

bDisableHUDImages - Disable the '> SPAWNKILL PROTECTED <' message from appearing on the ASC HUD? NOTE : If RespawnPTime is set to 0 (disabled), this option will have no effect!

bSeparateDeathMessages - Separates Death & Kill Messages from the rest of the chat area and places them below the chat box NOTE : This feature is automatically turned off if bDisableHUDMessages is set to True! This feature may not work with some versions of the RocketX or StrangeLove mods, as they are programmed to use a non-standard type of message

All done with that! Not so bad after all, was it?



+ The first time you connect, open the ASC window by saying !open, and the window will appear. NOTE : If you've never been on an ASC server before, it may prompt you to bind a key to the ASC window.

+ Then open the window and setup your level password to ROOT USER (PasswordLvl[7]). Reconnect and setup everything you need. + It is suggested that you bind a key to the ASC window. Do this by clicking on the 'About' tab, and then follow the instructions.



- There are a ton, so the best thing to do is just install it and see for yourself!

- 8 levels, Login System and Commands : Level 0 : NOT LOGGED / BOTS


Level 2 : VIP PLAYERS - are Not limited by the level 1 player limit. - can wear the protected tag

Level 3 : SUPERVISORS - Kick - Broadcast a message on the ASC HUD

Level 4 : OPERATORS - Are Not limited by the level 3 player limit. - Change map

Level 5 : MODERATORS - Ban/Unban

Level 6 : ADMINISTRATORS - Match Administration - Control players (Team, Slot ...) - Control the advanced Tournament Mod : - Force start - Auto Pause - Move players to another server by IP - Control the advanced Passworded Mod : - Allows Spectators without password - Send password

Level 7 : ROOT USERS - Setup the server (boot, MOTD, levels size ...)

Other Features

- HUD Colored Messages - Built-In Kick Idle Players V2 - Team-kill, Respawn, Frags, and Tag protections - Team-Balancer - Anti-Spammer - Booting (Random map, set mutators) - Messaging MOTD - Remote Controller Window

Not even half the features are listed, as there are so many. The 'Configuration Options' mentioned above should be a good explination of it all.

Tag Protection allows admins to set so that nobody can enter with a fake server or clan tag on. For example, clan UrS has their members set at level 2. So their clan tag, "UrS" can not be worn by anyone that is not level 2 or higher. If they do enter without the proper level, they are kicked. Once they either remove the tag, or enter at the proper level, then they may re-enter the server.

You can also set "SLOTS". Let's say you have a 14 player public clan server. You can make 10 public slots, 2 more slots for "VIP" (clan/server friends), and a final 2 slots for members/admins/whoever. This ensures that clan members can always play on their own server. But some admins may not like this setup, and that's OK. It can be disabled by setting all slots to the same number (for example 14 / 14 / 14) NOTE : If you set MaxPlayers to 0, ASC will read the maxplayers from your server's INI file instead >> THIS IS NOT, HOWEVER, RECOMMENDED!!! << This will mean that after tournament mode has been disabled, you will have to manually reset the MaxPlayers limits in your server's INI file. Unless you have multiple servers running from the same SYSTEM folder and using different server ini files for each, you should not set MaxPlayers to 0!

"KEYS" for the different levels are sent through the ASC. You simply select a player's name, then select the action. This eliminates the need for having to take the time to e-mail them. It's simple and fast.

The ASC comes with advanced tournament capabilites, including the ability to lock down the player count when the tournament begins (no extra players). Also, it comes with the Auto-Pause mod. When tournament mode is enabled, the Auto-Pause mod can also be enabled. This mod will instantly pause the game if any player leaves, making unfair teams. Once another person comes to fill in that spot, the game automatically will resume.



The ASC has the ability to log *major* actions by Supervisors and above. Note that it won't be logging useless stuff like switching teams or reconnecting. The main reason I add this feature is so admins can track any abuse of a player's rights. Logging is silent - nobody will ever know it's there but you. Logs will NOT be created for every match! Logging will only start if activated by an action, such as a banning, kicking, etc etc.

Out of the box, the ASC will log to ../Logs, append the heading [ASC] to each file it makes. It will put the time the log started and the mapname in the file name, and all files will end in the extention of ".log"

However, some admins may wish to configure these logging settings. If you wish to do so: - Shut down your server, and open asc7.ini

At the >VERY< bottom of the file, add the following section:

[asc758.asc_exlog] LogTo=../Logs LogFileHeading=[ASC] LogFileExtension=.log bIncludeName=False bIncludeMap=True

Configure the options to your liking.

LogTo - Path relative to /System to put the logs in

LogFileHeading - Heading to give the logs that uniquely identifies them

LogFileExtension - Extension to append to each log file

bIncludeName - Include server's name in the log file's name? NOTE : This is only needed if you run multiple servers and would get any logs mixed up

bIncludeMap - Include the map name in the log file's name? NOTE : This is a particularly useful setting, one I suggest keeping enabled

- Save / close - Start the server



- To add / remove IP and ID bans remotely, use an advanced WebAdmin system (such as SuperWebAdmin), and from it's console, enter:

mutate asc action type data

...Where action is the action to perform (ban or unban), type is the type of ban (id or ip), and the data is either the ASC ID or the player's IP

For Example: mutate asc ban ip - Would ban the IP

mutate asc ban id 1G6EFH38FJ19F45DK9HS73HBVSDBN932 - Would ban the ASC ID 1G6EFH38FJ19F45DK9HS73HBVSDBN932

- When unbanning an IP, the IP will be added to list that ASC will check when a player enters. If the player's IP matches the one on the list, their ASC ID will also be automatically unbanned, if it was banned as well.

>> IMPORTANT!!! << - To use these features, bRemoteAccess MUST BE SET TO TRUE! - If it is set to false, remote system will not be active.



+ Mayhem: For code snippets, ideas, suppport, and a heck of a lot of help! + AnthraX, Just_Me, and Rush for help with code, and support of my efforts + |KOA|The_Dave: For everything from beta testing to writing guides to webspace to ban testing ;) - It is deeply appreciated. + Bruce Bickar, [TTH]PJMODOS, Major Disaster: For giving us good examples. + Gunner: For his help with the anti-teamkill mod. + Rush: For the EasyMute code + RubberBaby: For trying it with his network. + All beta testers: - <lol> Clan, |KOA| Servers, WhartHog's PigPen, [ACE] Clan, -={SDA}=- Servers, Craz UT Servers, TruFF Online Gaming Admins that downloaded the beta versions and gave feedback + The UnrealWiki community. + UnrealAdmin.org & Azazel, for hosting the auto-update code and forums + ATHoS for allowing me (MSuLL) to continue this project. + [AToMIC UNReAL] for the webspace to do all this from, and tons of support! + And finally to all the others that helped make this into what it has become!

=Set Public

In your UnrealTournament.ini (or whatever ini your server uses) set:

Quote: [IpServer.UdpServerUplink] DoUplink=True UpdateMinutes=1 MasterServerAddress=unreal.epicgames.com MasterServerPort=27900 Region=0 Or if you use SecureValidate: Quote: [SecureValidate.SVUdpServerUplink] DoUplink=True UpdateMinutes=1 MasterServerAddress=unreal.epicgames.com MasterServerPort=27900 Region=0 DoUplink is set to false by default and your server won't be seen in the masterserver list in that case.

The segmentation fault hasn't got anything to do with it.







Map Vote

   Place BDBMapVote304.int in the \UnrealTournament\System directory.
   Place BDBMapVote304.u in the \UnrealTournament\System directory.
   ***Note: this if very important, it will not work without this.
   Add "ServerPackages=BDBMapVote304" to the \UnrealTournament\system\UnrealTournament.ini file under the "[Engine.GameEngine]" section.

Admin Commands

Unreal Tournament Admin Commands

Type these in your console (tab or accent grave/tilde)

The commands are case insensitive, which means lower case commands have exactly the same effect as upper case commands.

Logging in and out

Log in as administrator adminlogin <login>

Log out adminlogout

Adding and removing actors

Note: The following commands may work without the admin prefix. This does not hold for rebooting the server ;) Add bots admin addbots <number>

Spawn actor admin summon <class name>

Remove all monsters admin killpawns

Remove all bots admin killall Bot

Remove redeemer admin killall WarheadLauncher

Remove damage amplifier admin killall UDamage

Remove shield belt admin killall ut_ShieldBelt

Remove invisibility admin killall ut_Invisibility

Remove armor admin killall Armor2

Remove thigh pads admin killall ThighPads

Remove jumpboots admin killall ut_Jumpboots

Kick player admin kick <player name>

Kickban player admin kickban <player name>

Server control

Reboot the server admin quit or admin exit

Toggle game pause admin pause or press the pause button

Switch map admin switchlevel <map name>

Change gametype admin servertravel <map name>?Game=<gametype>

Change mutator admin servertravel <map name>?Mutator=<mutator>

Change both admin servertravel <map name>?Game=<gametype>?Mutator=<mutator>

Note: There is no space between the map name and the question mark, and between the gametype and its corresponding question mark!

Restart level admin servertravel ?restart

Game control

Note: To retrieve the current value, replace "set" with "get" and remove any trailing parameters. A servertravel is required for changes to take effect with commands containing a <gametype>.

Set game password admin set Engine.GameInfo GamePassword <password>

Reset game password admin set Engine.GameInfo GamePassword

Set time limit admin set <gametype> TimeLimit <number>

Set capture limit admin set <gametype> GoalTeamScore <number>

Set frag limit admin set <gametype> FragLimit <number>

Set minimum players admin set <gametype> MinPlayers <number>

Add bots up to minimum players (servertravel!) admin set UnrealGame.UnrealMPGameInfo MinPlayers <number>

Set maximum players admin set Engine.GameInfo MaxPlayers <number>

Set maximum spectators admin set Engine.GameInfo MaxSpectators <number>

Set maximum team size admin set <gametype> MaxTeamSize <number>

Set air control admin set <gametype> AirControl <number>

Set game speed admin set Engine.GameInfo GameSpeed <number>

Toggle mute spectators admin set Engine.GameInfo bMuteSpectators <True/False>

Toggle force respawn admin set <gametype> bForceRespawn <True/False>

Toggle tournament mode admin set <gametype> bTournament <True/False>

Set bot strength admin set Botpack.ChallengeBotInfo Difficulty <0-7>

Toggle translocator admin set <gametype> bUseTranslocator <True/False>

Toggle weaponstay admin set <gametype> bMultiWeaponStay <True/False>

Set friendly fire scale admin set <gametype> FriendlyFireScale <0-100>

Toggle cheats admin set Engine.GameInfo bNoCheating <True/False>

Add teams (TDM, DOM) admin set <gametype> MaxTeams <number>

Toggle webadmin admin set UWeb.WebServer bEnabled <True/False>

Toggle team balancing admin set <gametype> bPlayersBalanceTeams <True/False>

Full screen message say #<message>

Server appearance

Set server name admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo ServerName <name>

Set server short name admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo ShortName <name>

Set server MOTD admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo MOTDLine1 <sentence>

Set server MOTD admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo MOTDLine2 <sentence>

Set server MOTD admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo MOTDLine3 <sentence>

Set server MOTD admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo MOTDLine4 <sentence>

Set admin name admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo AdminName <name>

Set admin email admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo AdminEmail <email>

Set tickrate admin set IPDrv.TCPNetDriver NetServerMaxTickrate <number>

Note: Consult with your game server provider to inquire whether you are allowed to change these values.

UTPure related

Disable UTPure mutate DisablePure

Enable UTPure mutate EnablePure

Toggle NoLockdown (UTPure) admin set UTPure bNoLockdown <True/False>

Enable hitsounds (UTPure) mutate EnableHitSounds

Disable hitsounds (UTPure) mutate DisableHitSounds

No admin required

Change nickname setname <name>

Disconnect disconnect

Reconnect reconnect

Quit quit or exit

Take a screenshot shot

Connect to a server open <server address>[:server port]

Toggle framerate counter timedemo <1/0>

Set netspeed netspeed <value>

Set field of view fov <value>

Open vote menu (BDB) mutate BDBMapvote Votemenu

Show tickrate (UTPure) ShowTickrate

Switch team (UTPure) NextTeam

Show cheat info (UTPure) CheatInfo


Capture The Flag (CTF) Botpack.CTFGame

DeathMatch (DM) Botpack.DeathMatchPlus

Team DeathMatch (TDM) Botpack.TeamGamePlus

Last Man Standing (LMS) Botpack.LastManStanding

Domination (DOM) Botpack.Domination

Assault (AS) Botpack.Assault

Mutators (multiple mutators are separated with a comma [,] )

Click to move to: [ Commands ] === [ Gametypes ] === [ Common examples ] === [ Maps ] === [ UTCV Vote Mutator ]


No Redeemer Botpack.NoRedeemer

No PowerUps Botpack.NoPowerups

InstaGib Botpack.InstaGibDM

Instant Rockets Botpack.InstantRockets

Jump Match Botpack.JumpMatch

Low Gravity Botpack.LowGrav

Pulse Arena Botpack.PulseArena

Rocket Arena Botpack.RocketArena

Shock Arena Botpack.ShockArena

Sniper Arena Botpack.SniperArena

Stealth Botpack.Stealth

Relics (use as a mutator)

The Relic of Regeneration Relics.RelicRegen

The Relic of Defense Relics.RelicDefense

The Relic of Speed Relics.RelicSpeed

The Relic of Strength Relics.RelicStrength

The Relic of Redemption Relics.RelicRedemption

The Relic of Death Relics.RelicDeath


General Help screen mutate help

Show votable options mutate show info

List of players and their status mutate show players

The current maplist for voting mutate show maps

The current modelist for voting mutate show modes

Current vote info mutate show vote

Vote Yes mutate voteyes

Vote No mutate voteno

Set up a vote mutate vote <option> <value>

Cancel your vote mutate votecancel

Change the map mutate vote map <mapid>

Change the gamemode mutate vote mode <gamemodeid>

Restart the current map mutate vote restart

Change fraglimit mutate vote fl <value>

Change timelimit mutate vote tl <value>

Change max player count mutate vote mp <value>

Change friendly fire scale mutate vote ff <value>

Toggle weapon stay mutate vote ws <value> (true/false)

Toggle tournament mode mutate vote tm <value> (true/false)

Kick a player (incl. spectators) mutate vote kick <playerid>

xlhost:/home/ut1/System# ./ucc-bin server -bash: ./ucc-bin: Permission denied

                                                                                                          28th April, 2006, 08:59 PM                                                                                            

Holy Shit!!

Join Date: Jun 2003

Location: .gif

                                               Posts: 584                                         


chmod a+x ucc-bin

bump old post; 27900,27500 = TCP for master servers.

also here are the current one's ;


                                                                                           ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=unreal.epicgames.com MasterServerPort=27900

ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master0.gamespy.com MasterServerPort=27900 ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master.telefragged.com MasterServerPort=27500 ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master.333networks.com MasterServerPort=27900 updated this post as i needed to find quickly the ports;

here's somemore info from here


                                                                                           Default port config
   7777 UDP/IP: Game port
   7778 UDP/IP: Query port
   7779 UDP/IP: Query port
   7780 UDP/IP: GameSpy query port
   7781 UDP/IP: GameSpy query port
   27900 TCP/IP: UT Master Server Browser
   80 TCP/IP: WebAdmin Graphical User Interface

If your server is behind a router/firewall with NAT enabled, don't forget to set the "ServerName" to your external IP:

   ServerName=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (e.g.                                          
   ry disabling the 'UplinkToGamespy' option in the ini - I seem to recall having problems with that myself.                                         

7.1. System requirements

As always, the system requirements will vary slightly depending on the number of players on the server. Here are the basics: Pentium 266 (For more than 8 users, a faster server is recommended) At least 32 MB RAM (For a VERY dedicated machine. The more maps, skins, mutators, bots, and players that are online, the more RAM the server will use.) 64 MB is highly recommended. Linux kernel 2.2.14 or later, Glibc 2.1 or later. The retail Unreal Tournament CD (Just the first one is necessary). At least 500 MB disk space. Maps, skins, and mods will require a bit more. Enough bandwidth if you're going to run an Internet server. Epic recommends about 20kbps per player.

[IpServer.UdpServerUplink] DoUplink=False UpdateMinutes=1 MasterServerAddress= MasterServerPort=27900 Region=0

[IpDrv.HTTPDownload] RedirectToURL=http://ut99.roltel.net/redirect/ UseCompression=True ProxyServerPort=

install ao openGL fix https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=373